You Are Nearer To The Fifth Dimension Than You Think 🌄

Jump Into The Fifth Dimension?

There you will notice your focus is in the present moment      

We are now standing at the entrance to the energy of 2024.

All turns of our calendar are more than a chronological event, it is a moment filled with hope, renewal, and the promise of new arrivals.

The Creator’s eternal promise is to bring forth something remarkable and transformative in our lives.

However, to change your life, you must first alter the meanings and stories you have about it. Then we free our physical world, including our bodies, to absorb all the quantum potential available to us all.

When we choose to allow us to do so!

That is when we have the power to challenge and expedite how to replace separation with unity. Choosing every experience from a place of power and mastery. Instead of choosing them from a place of shame, guilt or fear.

Whilst returning from Egypt, I was reflecting on the intensity of the energy and the stories about its past. This led me to ponder on the nature of where humanity is heading – the Fifth Dimension!

The Gateway To The Fifth Dimension Is Open

This forms the basis of my latest article. The understanding of what this means has been known for many decades, even centuries.

One of my tasks in Egypt was in connection with Mother Earth returning to the Fifth Dimension. Humanity is following.

In recent decades, there has been confusion over definitions and dates of when this spiritual, not religious, transformation will take place.

Which it can only do once all is in place!

Hence, the current chaos!

Also, my learning is that the actual form of what will emerge continues to evolve until the moment before it happens!

That is because evolution is not linear, rather it is in constant flow. And, the pace seems to have been accelerating these past five years or so.

The article provides an overview of how the Third to the Seventh Dimensions differ.

The latest insights in Message From Source can be summarised as:   

Freedom will permeate all aspects of your life with a different feeling as to its presence.”

It also contains the current expectation as to when the move will be completed. This will affect the physical body.

Other indications you may observe as you shift your own dimension are included.

Listen To Yourself, Believe In Who You Are

2024 is going to deepen our journey into the new world we are creating. It will be moving fast!

Along the way, there will be choices each of us need to make.

Which Charles Eisenstein neatly summarised as:

We have to create miracles. A miracle is something that is impossible from an old story but possible from within a new one. It is an expansion of what is possible.”

The ask is that we each take charge of our life, believing in ourselves to create our dreams.

Which will require you to remain at peace and calm!

My last quote is from texts attributed to Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods and the Greek reincarnation of the Egyptian wisdom god Thoth.

In this one, Hermes laments the decline of ancient Egyptian wisdom and knowledge and the creation of a barren Earth. Thoth prophesies this will be remedied, adding

..such is the new birth of the cosmos it is a making again of all things good. A holy and all inspiring restoration of all nature and it is wrought inside the process of time by the eternal will of the Creator.”

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to step into the Fifth Dimension.

To Joining The Fifth Dimension     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It?💥

Your Turning Point Is Here

Our confidence and ability to lead will be at heights not experienced for almost two decades  

Seeking a deeper connection with the energetic realms?

This requires you live in singularity with all that is. Which we do through our heart. 

For this is the point of our connection to the Cosmos. 

A Turning Point To Awaken Your Heart Is Nigh

We have also been absorbing higher vibrations of photonic light. 

This flows from the increase in solar activity in terms of sunspots and solar flares from its minimum in December 2019.

The current solar cycle has already heated up more quickly than expected, with its sunspot activity more than 10% higher than the previous cycle.

Which has led experts to predict the peak will be a year earlier than usual, in 2024. This has also been visible in the auroras being seen across more of the planet´s night skies.

Another of the visible effects of moving through this period of transition!

Your emotional energy is also a vibration.

Vibrations are waves of energy. Which we speed up or slow down by our feelings.

These adjust our heart into a state of coherence or non-coherence with our Soul´s desires. So, influencing what we attract and experience in our lives.

As we enter the last half of 2023, so the cosmic energy is creating a turning point within ourselves.

We are also being guided to develop consciously and intentionally our intuition, our spiritual nature through complementing our extra sensory abilities. To accept we are the creator of our life and so live it. 

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? outlines more on moving humanity´s consciousness from the past and present to being grounded in the present, with a dash of the future.

Which raises the question whether humanity will forever be moving between prosperity and ruin or, is at a turning point along a path of evolution?

The Turning Point To Singularity

There are some quotes from Peter Thiel´s “Zero to One” setting out four alternatives: recurrent collapse; plateauing; extinction; or, take-off. 

He admits in the book, the latter is hardest to imagine.

The super full moon in Capricorn on 3rd July offers an opportunity to re-evaluate, re-structure, re-configure your aspirations and so direction.

Particularly, as to what you desire to achieve during the months to 21st December. 

Reading this post, then probably you are unsure how you “fit in”. You have an awareness others do not. You have never been able to quite explain how you know, which has created much self-doubt.

You know this world is changing and the planetary movements are designed to help us move beyond our turning point.

Enabling us to create the new era, which we do through our heart.

The latest Message From Source contains this guidance: 

“All of Creation is continuing to shift. In that there is a process of remembering as well as evolving underway. This is going to bring you all closer to each other as you all embrace singularity rather than separation.”

This Full Moon Will Be A Turning Point In Your Life – Will You Enjoy It? also contains two rules in life to assist you to live it well.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to move beyond their turning point.

To Moving Beyond Your Turning Point         


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? 💥

Bring Healing Into Your Life

A simple process of healing and creation

Holistic healing is based on the idea that everything in all of Creation is made up of energy, including our physical bodies.

When this energy is flowing freely, we experience good health and well-being.

However, when the flow of energy is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances and even pain and dis-comfort.

Healing Is About Making Whole  

Healing in a holistic sense has faded from medical attention and today is rarely discussed in the medical literature.

Yet the very word has its root in making whole, not just to cure!

Healing though is not a one-off fix of any particular pain and dis-comfort. Rather it is at the very core of our evolution.

For the way we will begin to change our world is from the Inside Out, not from the outside in.

Many steer away from healing because they do not want to experience the “pain” of uncovering buried feelings, fears, and memories. Choosing to limp through life rather than walk the path of freedom from the past.

Finding this evolutionary path is one of the purposes of a shaman.

Knowing we are never locked in a stagnant state of creation.

We have already stepped beyond the threshold of heralding the start of the new era. Mother Earth is exhibiting the pangs of adjustment, just as we are.

Together we have the chance to master the ancient discipline known as Alchemy. To co-create with the Creator, your version of Heaven on Earth.

The choice facing each of us is to stay in the world as it is or take the reins of creation in our hands. 

Either way, we play a powerful role in co-creating with Spirit the world we choose to participate in. 

Which destiny will you choose?

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? has more insights on the actions to bring healing into your life.

Consciousness Is The Route To Your Healing 

The first step of which requires you have an awareness of the “energetic nature” of your being. 

Then to grasp the role of consciousness in our human experience.

It also outlines how our emotions influence a powerful electro-magnetic field in our heart. This is in turn draws into our lives experiences that match the heart´s frequencies.  

Which is why we have been creating all our lives. Only not always what we perceive to be our desires!

For as the creators of our life, it is what we focus our thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

The latest Message from Source continues to advise each of us to make  our choices: 

Taking responsibility for your life or, continuing to allow others to influence what is in your power.” 

We are being called to release the last threads of our belief systems that have kept us separate from our conscious awareness for lifetimes.

Reminding us that it is these choices which drive Creation.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

Do You Know How To Bring Healing Into Your Life, So Creating What You Desire? outlines a simple process of creation, you can follow again and again and again.

There is also a YouTube link to a talk by one of the most studied near death experiencers and what he discovered about healing his brain cancer.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Healing All Of Your Life  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Want To Change Your Life So You Live It From Your Heart? 😊

Live From Your Heart

Be silent to hear your Inner Wisdom

Waiting for an “event” to catapult you through this transition?

Or, perhaps you think you could just snap your fingers?

Yes, we are on the cusp of a new cycle.

One that promises to bring the potential for peace and creativity to a level we have not experienced for many an aeon!  

Awareness Of What To Change Will Free Your Heart 

Individually, together with Mother Earth, humanity is shifting, even though we may not know the form and structure of the new.

Each of us is being encouraged to bring all our abilities, gifts and skills into the open. Then you can complete the unique mission you incarnated to do.

Though as I know, this is not always plain sailing!

In fact, there are always going to be rough patches in your life – otherwise you are not growing and evolving. Which is a choice open to us at any moment!

These last evenings, I have been watching the evolving beauty of the Venus and Jupiter conjunction as the last of the sunset fades from the sky. These two benefics were closest on 2nd March, bringing a feeling of joy, being in love with life.

The 2nd March also saw a conjunction between Mercury and Saturn. Helping us to focus on the positive.

So, the 2nd was quite a day for the heart, helping us to feel what really matters to each of us – and so our priorities!  

For the way we will begin to change our world is from the Inside Out, not from the outside in.

Which is why we need to continue to say goodbye to anything that does not fit with the higher vibrations arriving. 

Want To Change Your Life So You Live It From Your Heart? has more insights on the role of being silent in order to hear your Inner Wisdom.

That is the way to obtain greater clarity as to what is unfolding for you.

It will also be essential to connect to your heart to help birth the new Earth.

Only When Silent Will You Hear Your Heart  

The latest Message from Source continues to advise each of us as to the choices each of us will need to make as we move through this period of transition.

Reminding us that it is these choices which will drive all of Creation.

There is also an explanation as why despite so much potential being available to us, many choose victimhood, struggle and limiting their creative expression?

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

With both Mercury and Saturn moving into Pisces this week and Pluto on the edge of Capricorn/Aquarius, this is a month of change.

Perhaps even the moment to consider “changing the course of your life?” 

Learning experiences and opportunities for self-discovery will be surfacing. Allow your feelings to act as your guides and teachers.

I will be writing shortly more about these transits, leading us into April´s eclipses! 

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living Life From Your Heart


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

10 Indications You Have An Imbalance Or Blockage Of Your Heart Chakra

Vision For Your Life

Secret #4 Answers The Question “What do I feel in my heart?”

The current planetary transits are reminding us of the power of love to transform.

To bring change and to give us the fuel to endure and take action on our dreams and visions that promise to change the world.

Love is so essential, without it we die.

Welcome To The Domain Of The Heart Chakra!

The challenge of our lives is to learn to first love ourselves and then to discover how to best love those in our life and all on Mother Earth.

Love is so powerful that it determines the direction we take our life and what we attract into it.

Who we are – our identity – is rooted in our personal narrative, giving us direction in our life. The story we tell about who we are, and the feelings generated in response to those thoughts programme the magnetic field of our heart.

Very often we seek to protect our hearts. In “What do I feel in my heart?” published by Illumination Book Chapters, I have set out 10 indicators you have an imbalance or blockage of the heart chakra.

When there is an imbalance in your heart chakra, your body will be calling for your attention by creating at least one of the five types of message also detailed in: “What do I feel in my heart?”.

Do you have a sense your heart is calling you more than ever before?

Calling you to come out of any last vestiges of you hiding?

The heart significantly affects how we perceive and react to the world.

Which is why having a balanced heart chakra is vital as we navigate this period of transition.

Love experienced through the heart chakra is not just about romance, rather about going beyond the limitations of the ego and its personal preoccupations.

November is a month about dramatic endings and beginnings.

The Sun is in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November. Mercury and Mars are in this soulful sign for most of the month as well. Scorpio’s nature is to connect you to the depths of your psyche and transform difficult emotions.

The Heart Of Your Death And Re-Birth

It is the sign of death, transformation and rebirth.

The essential process we all experience was summed up by Gandhi as:

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”

The themes throughout November are going to be about waking up and bringing your awareness to the unseen. Perhaps to what you are afraid of.

Which is why over the next few days we have Halloween, the Day of the Dead and All Souls day.

19th November brings another reminder to change your paradigm when there is a full moon in Taurus followed by an almost complete lunar eclipse. It is more than 500 years since the last such eclipse.

Together they will boost your courage and inner resources to free yourself to step forward in renewed ways. To replace old habits, frameworks, mindsets, conditioning, etc., particularly in relation to money and wealth.

To usher in this new paradigm in your life requires three steps:

1. Uncoupling or dis-connecting from all that formed your life, especially assuming everything is linear and so your need to follow your established thinking process to figure it out; 

2. Allowing yourself to receive what has never existed before; and

3. Birthing it with trust and confidence in yourself and what unfolds.

Would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.  

The priority of this period of transition is to first meet your own needs, rather than being dishonest with yourself. True balance comes only from being your most authentic self.

Achieving it will require action to be taken by everyone. Which means we will need to follow the lead of our hearts as well as being in our power.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected 😂

Your Sustainable Connection

There are 7 SOULIAM exercises to help improve your connection

Have you been told doing what gives you joy is not important or to succeed you need to follow certain rules?  

To follow your purpose, your soul´s mission you must sacrifice security?

It is necessary to work hard if you want to lead an abundant life, even if it drains your energy and does not allow you to enjoy all life has to offer?

What if everything you have accepted about how to have a happy and successful life was not true?

Creating Your Sustainable Connection

That living from connection to your soul is the only way to experience true joy and abundance.

The new moon rising on Thursday will urge you to ask real questions about your purpose and reflect on what you want to build in this life.

As I have already written this is an incredibly powerful alignment of Aquarian energy. It is also the fifth lunation in a row at 23º, the royal star providing strength and courage.

Which will be needed as there will be six planetary archetypes seeking to disrupt to bring about change!

My latest story “To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected” contains 7 exercises to help you improve your connection. So accessing your intuitive processing to help with decision making.

Thanks to the conjunction between Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, this is an excellent moon for daydreaming, fantasies and intuition. Your third eye will be exceptionally open.

The recent full moon in Leo was challenging you to let go of things holding you back or experiences you would prefer to leave in 2020.

The new moon on the 11th is about embracing new perspectives and opportunities to re-define who you are.

Its Aquarian energy is demanding you confront the inner demons restraining you. Then you are being asked to re-define yourself – to make a personal as well as spiritual transformation.

“To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected” was written to help you recognise the inner demons creating internal conflict and so free you to live the life you desire.

Then on Friday the 12th begins the new year of the Metal Ox. Hence why clarity as to your soul´s mission is essential. Once aligned abundance will flow, if not…

To Living Your Sustainable Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution 😅

Change Your Life

  Themes or projects you start in mid February will be part of your life in 2021

The coming weeks are going to bring strong evolutionary pressures in every area of your life.

As February began, there were four planets in Aquarius and Venus joined them on the 1st. Aquarius brings the energy of re-structuring, change, and the freedom to explore new directions of thought and possibility.

February is a 7 Universal month, a moment where spiritual power and connection is at an all-time high!

We will all need to be supported through this year of massive change, progress and transformation – its new adventures, the business and career moves, the location changes, and the inner transformation in your life.

During this cycle, the ways you may have used previously to solve problems will no longer work. In fact your defences could also be your prison.

Where Is Your Life Heading?

The move of Venus into Aquarius is nudging you to break down limiting barriers and re-write your personal values from money to romance. 

More detailed indications and suggestions are in my latest story: Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution”.

The Message From Source indicates “There are as yet many avenues to be explored and actions taken to build firm foundations” 

Doing so requires us to address the causes of our internal conflict – which stem from our unconscious shadows.

17th February brings the first of the three most important planetary transits of the year. History will be made during this year-long transit of Saturn and Uranus.

Whatever themes or projects you start to develop around this date will be part of your life throughout 2021

My story “Now Is The Moment To Move Your Life From Reaction To Evolution” lists some actions which may indicate shadow is influencing your life as well as what to do about it.

To Your Life Evolving


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter


Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive ?

Medical Intuitive

Did you know you have the capacity to read energy as a medical intuitive?

When you learn to tap into these innate powers, you open to greater wisdom, insights, and the energy of Mother Earth which is all around you.

Once you open to your intuitive powers you can use them to clear and balance your physical and spiritual immune systems. Opening you to the natural “health-promoting” flow of beneficial energies — effecting deep change at a cellular level.

Next Saturday, 18th July, quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino will help you discover how to open to your innate capacity for reading energy as a medical intuitive. She will guide you to connect intuitively with animals, plants, and totem animals…

…practices that can boost your health and vitality and deepen your heart connection to the natural world of Mother Earth.

You Healing Power As A Medical Intuitive

You can register for Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems here.

Its 60 minutes will guide you to greater understanding of yourself and the Earth we inhabit. In it you will learn how to:

  • Boost your spiritual immune system using heart medicine to relax your body and ease the pressure past traumas are placing on your adrenals
  • Use crystals as conduits for improving the focus and effectiveness of your healing work and for clearing negative energies
  • Explore the special mission that plants have — and how reading them helps you make healing changes where needed
  • Expand your access to wellbeing and spiritual awareness provided by animals who tune in to us at a heart level.

You will also experience a sound healing designed to help you surrender to self-acceptance and expand your self-trust, the core of our intuition.

Your body needs the healthy flow of energy to prevent or heal illness, as well as the focused intent and power of your mind — your intuition — to enhance healing and enable you to thrive.

Mona is highly skilled at reading energy and at helping others understand how to tune in to the energies within and around them to produce self-healing in deep and lasting ways…

To me this is a wonderful opportunity to open your own innate abilities, gifts and skills.

You will experience powerful approaches to using elements from the natural world, the balancing resonance of sound, and the intuitive wisdom of your heart. Experiencing how to read and work with healing energies as a medical intuitive.

It may even open the doorway for you to create a broader vision for your own service to others.

You can RSVP for free here.

To Using Your Own Abilities


Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life? ?


Your Heart Chakra Sending You A Message?

Have you made your choice how to keep thriving and expanding in the midst of current affairs?

Have they made you feel separated?

Or, perhaps you have felt a change in the harmony of your relationships?

Your heart is where you will feel the choices you made.

The main meanings associated with the heart involve connecting and relating. Both with yourself and others.

When the heart is open, you may feel being deeply connected, expanding and thriving with an appreciation of the beauty life offers.

However, when a blockage exists, you may experience difficulties in relating with others, such as excessive jealousy, co-dependency, or being closed down, withdrawn.

It is hurt that causes your heart chakra to close.

Love experienced through the heart chakra is not just about romance. Rather it is about going beyond the limitations of the ego and its personal preoccupations. To open more fully to compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is without making judgements.

Which in turn influences your ability to thrive and expand.

More is in my post Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” It also provides access to Secret #4 – “What Do I Feel In My Heart?”

Opening Your Heart Chakra

Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull… even ill.

I certainly had placed many such ‘layers’ of protection around my heart.

A person with an open heart chakra respects others as well as having an easy going peace that emanates outward, no matter the external circumstances.

Included in the post Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” are three techniques designed to inspire you to open your heart.

To Loving Yourself


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.