Taking The Next Step Requires You To Know Your Truth

Know Your Truth

There are four different forms and feelings of love present     

The energies of 2024 are already with us.

Many I have been talking to continue to identify resistance to what seems to be appearing for them.

Several have inklings as to their new direction, though cannot seem to quite make the first step toward it.

                            In Truth, Love Is Always Present        

A conversation earlier today highlighted the fear of rejection – so stopping the step being taken, even though there is excitement in doing so?

Currently, the main thrust of the lessons for humanity is about love and fear. 

You might think as souls come from love, are created of love, and live in a loving state they do not need to experience it.

However, love takes different forms, which raises questions about what is the soul seeking to experience.

My latest article sets out the current four different forms and feelings of love present. Each has a different tone and feeling to it.

The focus is on what it feels like to be without each, a mix or, all of these forms of love.

Even though love resonates at a level many times that of fear, we seem to all act from fear rather than love! Which is where any resistance sits. 

It does not matter whether it is rational or irrational, emotionally we are triggered into a re-action.   

Which then inadvertently defers your progress, even though love is always present – even when we believe we are unworthy to receive it!

However, should we choose to step beyond the limitation of beliefs such as fear, the consciousness of love comes to the fore.

                     A Chakra Upgrade Is On Its Way       

To help us do so, earlier this year the presence of the higher heart, the harmonic heart, became more evident.

My guidance has indicated another step will take place around the coming Solstice with an upgrade to your chakras.

The latest Message From Source concludes with this advice:  

Each of you has the ability to create your own dreams and so lives. 

Once you accept there is unlimited potential, once you step away from your limitations and concerns. This is the current focus for all of you.” 

It is your choice as to whether you choose the feeling of what gives you joy, or the thought what you are doing is for the greatest and highest good of all.

For, this is the moment to let go. Then feel within to know what is your truth and so the action to take. 

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know where to look to find their truth.

To Knowing Your Truth     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

 The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  Twitter

Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth? 😎

Your Heaven On Earth

Three steps to bring congruence into your life

Changing your direction can often be a challenge!


Because our unconscious mind is designed to react automatically. Habits such as walking or riding a bicycle use the neural pathways of your brain and nervous system to make them automatic.

 Ancient Practices Had Their Heaven On Earth

That is how we have evolved, creating space for our creative power to be applied.

However, the challenge with this elegant system is that it requires conscious effort to change the direction of your neurological highway.  

Hence, my repeated rejoinder to practice. For this is what helps create new neural pathways.

On how many occasions have you decided on a new course of action or direction and then critical thoughts have flowed in to make you question it?

Are the current energies and chaos making you feel lost, unsure, and searching for direction in life? 

Join the club! 

As the creator of your life, it is what you focus your thoughts and vibrations on that manifests. 

In “Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?”  I have included more detail on some of the broader current influences creating our state of chaos. 

There is also a reminder our energy always seeks to create health, in spite of what we do to ourselves emotionally and physically. 

As we move from separation to acknowledging we are part of the unified field of all of creation, so the opportunities to do so increase.

Only, as I was reminded recently, we have to move beyond our established habits and thinking. 

Instead of focusing on what is broken, shifting our perspective to new creations and meanings for each of us. Changing the very words we use, or else we recreate the old patterns despite any action we may have taken.

Breathing Will Help Create Your Heaven On Earth 

Also included is an overview of the long-term decline in Mother Earth´s geomagnetic field. This has been associated with an increase in conflict.  Both internally and between each other.

As well, there is the timeline for the current solar cycle. The intensity of which is greater than last year, let alone in 2018!

Meaning, Mother Earth and all its inhabitants are going swiftly through an upgrade as higher densities of photonic light and Cosmic energy arrive with us.

The latest Message from Source summarises the process which is underway.  

Reminding us of the power of our feelings to create what we desire.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by what is emerging

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to heal your life click reply to contact me.

“Ready To Create And Live Your Version Of Heaven On Earth?” also outlines a three step breathing practiceThis is designed to create greater congruence in your life by harmonising the neural networks of your heart and brain. 

So, helping to tune every cell in your body. 

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So, please DO share and pass this post to others you love and may need some help to create congruence in their life.

To Living Your Version Of Heaven On Earth 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams? 👉

What Is Your Intention?

Five pointers on how to set your intention  

When you build your life from pull you go with the natural flow of all of Creation.

Even though not every day is going to be “your” day

Somedays, you feel inspired.

Somedays, you are not.

Can you “force” your way?

Of course.

Though when you do you increase the obstacles across your path.

Are Magic, Miracles And Luck Your Intention? 

For years, I thought I had to follow this path no matter how I felt.

That is until I built a closer connection to the natural flow of my body and rhythm of the season.

Once you acknowledge this and build your life around the seasons and rhythms, you have found the secret to living a life of fun and joy. For you are in the flow, not seeking to force it.

Then you will also find it easier to walk the path of your dreams, tackling obstacles and adjusting what you really desire to manifest in your life. Broadening your horizons beyond what you currently believe to be possible.

In Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?, I have outlined how the essence of effective intention setting is to remember: You are not of the world around you, it is of you.”

That is how we dream the world we desire into being. Pulling it with the natural flow rather than seeking to force it to manifest.

I was reminded of this during a recent client call. Francis was working part time so she had space to build her own business.

She knew her biggest issue was lack of belief in what she and her business were capable of.

Francis had launched her business and attracted clients. As she began to wind down the part time role, the panic set in.

For, now no-one seemed to be interested in what she was offering. She reached out to me and during that call we focused on:

Mindset – building a business has challenges. Especially when we increase them by being attached to an expected outcome and the results are not what was expected. Then we fall into paralysis and in-action.

Strategy – once the focus shifts to action rather than in-action, a world of possibilities open up to attract new prospects.

Five Pointers On How To Set Your Intention

Which is why in Is Your Intention To Create And Live The Life Of Your Dreams?  there are five pointers on how to set your intention. They include freeing yourself of limiting beliefs.

The most important step of which is to acknowledge what is holding you back, freeing your intuition and instincts. Then you move from trying to force to pulling. Freeing yourself to allow solutions to arrive.

For with every thought you are dreaming your world into being. That is how you can choose to walk a different timeline.

As this is a freewill Universe, we must first set the intention and act on it in order to create the beauty and healing we desire.

That is when you can begin to find the missing pieces of your puzzle so you start living life to your full potential, using your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Setting And Speaking Your Intention 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself

Aim your arrow high and reach for the stars

Do you feel good when someone constantly criticises you and tells you that you are not worthy of…?

They keep telling you to play small because you “cannot” achieve the big dream you have for yourself?

Would you walk away from that person and remove them from your life? Preferring to look elsewhere for people that will help support your growth and evolution?

What do you do should that “person” be you?

The voice in your head… your own inner critic?

It has power because your beliefs, your conditioning and the story you tell yourself about who you are, programme your unconscious mind.

For example, during the imprint years, upto the age of seven, perhaps you were repeatedly told you are not worthy to be who you are or how you are. Such beliefs then direct the remainder of your life. Once formed, a belief such as “you are not worthy”, is how you will see your life and the world.

Therefore, you will only see limitations and restrictions, not the possibilities and opportunities when they appear.

To see them you need to have faith and trust in yourself.

Today´s strawberry full moon in Sagittarius asks what are you putting your faith and trust in?

In this it is being supported by activating the Galactic Centre – a massive black hole associated with clearing away density, allowing for access to higher realms.

Helping us to clear away fear and separation of the old-Earth consciousness so we can embrace a higher cosmic relationship of love.

As you take action, would you like an experienced viewpoint with insights from a broad perspective as well as practical pointers, this is my speciality. Click reply to contact me.

Have Faith And Trust In Yourself  

Meaning opening up to your dreams and allowing them to guide you to create a deeper understanding of all that is possible for you to create.         

More is in How Do You View Mother Earth, What Will You Put Your Faith And Trust In?

It also contains the call to ensure you point your Sagittarian Archer´s arrow high and reach for the stars.

As well as more indications as to the themes emerging for you, humanity and Mother Earth.  

The latest Message From Source included comments on the actions to take to help manifest them:

The full moon marks the point of no return. The backwards facing portal has been closed, so the choice is now at what speed do you desire to proceed – are you seeking to be in the slow or the fast lane?”

The solstice on 21st June will encourage us to review whether we have built a solid foundation to take forward our dreams. The next retrograde at the end of June will seek to refresh your view on prosperity and “having enough”.

Do try to catch tonight´s strawberry full moon, it is the second of 2022´s four supermoons when the moon is closest to Mother Earth.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Leading A Life Of Faith And Trust     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

There Is Life Beyond Who You Think You Are, Do You Wish To Join?

Are You Who You Think You Are?

Three observations to help change your beliefs

Rising two hours before the sun this morning, Venus was at her maximum brightness. She is the morning star diamond.

The Venus cycle expresses a shift from her yin – receptive side into a yang – assertive side. She also brings empowered fertility and sexuality.

With no planets retrograde until the end of April, until then you have the opportunity to plant the seeds of the life you desire.

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all headed toward conjunction with transformative Pluto on 29th April. This is the period to harvest the inner work you have been doing during the last retrogrades.

The purpose being to free you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022 and beyond.

My suggestion is to begin by focusing on gaining clarity in your values and heart’s desires.

However, all too often we come across a block in the road – our own thoughts!

Are You Who You Think You Are?

This has been the focus of many discussions since last year as each of us seeks to be in the flow of the transition which is underway.

Whilst thoughts in and of themselves have no power, when we actively focus our attention on them they begin to seem real.

Specific thoughts trigger emotions we have associated with that thought. This new state then influences how we act. Triggering recurring patterns of feeling and so behaviour.

I have written “There Is Life Beyond Who You Think You Are, Do You Wish To Join?” with the intention to help you step beyond such restrictions.

It raises the question for each of us do we choose to evolve into an utterly different kind of human being?  

There is also the latest Message from Source indicating the sense of what is emerging will become clear in the next few weeks. There was also a reminder: “Each of you is assisting in the creation of the new. No-one of you has more power or force in its creation. Each participates in the creative process.”

Being free to live beyond who you think you are means being aware of the limiting beliefs we each hold. The three observations are included to guide you to do so.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Enjoying Life Beyond Who You Think You Are


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The Shamanic CEO, Creator and International Best-Selling Author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of Transforming Your Life II.

Follow me on: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter

Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? 😂

Taking Self-Care

Allowing yourself to feel rather than think will be essential in 2021

Quick question

Is there something in your life that you’re holding on to that you know this is the moment to let it go?

Maybe it’s a job that sucks you dry?

A business that no longer brings you any kind of excitement, fulfilment or joy?

Or, a relationship that was really over years ago.

Why is it that we continue to make the mistake of holding on?

These are just some of the patterns of behaviour we hold on to even though we know they no longer serve us. Rather they are preventing us from living life to its full potential.

And the reason we do this is because of fear.

Fear of stepping out of our comfort zone, the one based only on what we have experienced, not on what is the potential. 

Yet, when you let go, you create space for something better to settle into your life.

An act which is even more vital as we come to the end of 2020 and 2021 begins. Especially with today´s full moon in Cancer encouraging us to do so.


Because we need to create space within our bodies to lay the foundation for the next seven years.

As we do so we may begin to feel a heightened sense of what is or is not in harmony within us.

We are being asked to Trust in ourselves so we can create what we desire. Though we cannot do so whilst holding on to past beliefs and patterns – and they may not even be your own!

More can be read in my latest story: Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life?”

How to let go:

Every day, for nine days in a row, give away, throw away, or purge three items from your home or your office.

Yes, 27 items you will be giving up over the nine straight days!

When unsure about an item, hold it to your heart and ask if you want to bring the energy of the item into 2021 and your future.

Ask, ”Does it represent the ‘me’ as I see my ideal self in the future?

Be rid of clothes, books, and anything with messages that no longer speak to you.

Anything which is outdated, including food, vitamins and old medicines that may remind you of previous pain and/or dis-comfort.

As you let go, thank the item warmly for its previous use, and then say goodbye to it with gratitude.

After the nine days are over, take one final look around and ask if what remains represents who you are now and the new identity you will create over the coming five years.

Should you feel strange, odd, or out of place, just remember this is a passing influence. Observe a much greater ease when letting go of old ideas, feelings, positions, relationships, or anything that no longer serves you.

My story Are You Practicing Self-Care In Your Life? also has a simple three step process to help you with your decision making.

Humanity oftentimes seems to prefer holding on to toxic habits, thoughts, people and environments because they are familiar. We never take the step to freedom – a core theme of 2021.  

So is your gaze on your past or towards your future in 2021 and beyond?  

To Creating Self-Care In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,Pinterest, Twitter

The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed 😷

Revelations When Revealed

Imbalance in your life is created by absorbing the energies of others as well as their responsibilities

I am grateful for all the events and revelations of the past week because they have highlighted to me what I need to continue to address myself.
So being a more understanding father, friend, husband and person serving others.

External events bubble inner beliefs to the surface. Ones which have not changed and the bigger the external event the bigger the inner one.

When I choose to take 100% responsibility for what is going on, it can become a journey of transformation – no matter what happens externally. The transformation is not out of ignorance or blindness, rather it is my and mine alone choice.

Which is why earlier this week I asked another shaman on three occasions did he choose to initiate a change.  

This week has been wonderful to observe what appears within me. In particular to understand others more deeply. To show more love and compassion as well as allowing deeper guidance in serving others.

It has truly been inspiring.

Use your eyes to observe and the ears to hear the lessons. Then apply them so you do not need to repeat them in the coming period.

My latest story The Revelations Of Your Truth Are Waiting To Be Revealed outlines how Creation is using November to bring to the surface your deeply buried emotions.

For the move into the energy of 2021 is about to begin. In my story is an overview of the themes for 2021.

The essence is 2020 is to initiate re-structuring, especially of our beliefs and values. This enables 2021 to focus on the theme of personal freedom and changes.

Each of us will need to transform our old stories into a narrative that is truly worthy of our values and who we are.

Are you embracing this journey fully?

The greatest challenge ahead of us is learning to collaborate and co-create in a common direction even if our values are different. Our own inner guidance is going to be ever more important to guide us along our path.

As you do so would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

Schedule an  Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

To Your Revealing Your Truth


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedInMediumFacebook,PinterestandTwitter


Have Back Pain, No Support, Structure Of Your Life Crumbling? ?

Back Pain

Our backs contain and maintain three key aspects of how we live our life

Is there a tightness in your back? Perhaps even lower back pain or dis-comfort?

Are the structures of your life crumbling around you?

One of the clues to help you identify the message your body is sending you is whether any pain or dis-comfort is on the left or right side of your back?

For the back is where our memory of events, emotions, and information is most often stored. Held until we choose to process it.

Should we not feel safe physically, emotionally, or mentally for long periods, we create coping mechanisms in order to survive.

The longer we store such experiences, they develop into core issues and eventually each block begins to act to attract attention through pain and dis-comfort.

The root or first chakra is physically located at the feet, legs, and “roots” of your being. Hence why grounding is important as it is connected with the element of Earth.

In my story “Have Back Pain, No Support, Structure Of Your Life Crumbling?” I have set out four indicators of an imbalance in the root chakra:

They link to your sense of safety, security, and feeling at home within your skin. Preventing us taking action to, for example, attract and maintain financial security – meeting our basic needs.

When the root chakra is active and balanced, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You are able to put trust in others as you know they will support you.

More is set out in my story Have Back Pain, No Support, Structure Of Your Life Crumbling? as are some suggestions to inspire you to create harmony in your root chakra.

To Knowing You Are Supported,


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

A Unique Moment In Our History Has Arrived

Unique Moment

We are at a unique moment in history, on the brink of an evolutionary shift.

I believe crises carry the seeds of opportunity if we approach them with awareness.

When we do so we will emerge stronger and wiser.
So start looking for the opportunities of what you can do at home or wherever you are currently. Dreaming them into existence
The more you focus on these, the more you unleash your creativity and initiate a new vibrant life.
Perhaps becoming involved in improve-the-world opportunities that this extended break from the old “business-as-usual” will provide.
As I have set out in the article A Unique Moment In Our History Has Arrived published on medium.com, we are on the brink of a new era. Some actions the pandemic may push us into will help us in the longer run.
Every crisis carries the seeds of opportunity. This one is about leaving the energy of the 20th century to engage with that of the 21st.
Through self-responsibility we are embracing the age of liberation and celebrating everyone’s unique contribution to humanity´s evolution. This is what defines the Aquarian age.
Inner peace will be needed to help you realise the opportunities being created by the re-structuring underway.
For those in need of assistance to find that peace I have included a link in the Medium article to an audio guiding you through a simple meditation.
The article also includes my recommendations to help you liberate the opportunities to accelerate your life, and much more.
Want help in taking any actions then message me to arrange a discovery call. I have a few openings left after my next event finishes on 22nd March, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.

To Liberate Your Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

Find What is Stagnant In Your Life, Listen To The Call Of The New ?

The current Pisces moon cycle (and 2020 in general!) is asking you to dissolve what you know to be stagnant so you can make space for something new…
…in particular to try something totally different, embrace your independence, your need for transformation, and to follow your passion.
To me in many ways this new moon marks the start of 2020…
…encouraging you to look for stagnant areas in your life. This could be stagnation in your body — especially your lymphatic system as Pisces rules this system of the body — your home, your work, your relationships…
…and to take action which will enable the energy to flow more easily.
Which reminded me of this essential piece of advice from Ray Kroc:
“If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing, success will be yours.”

It Is Your Life, So Choose Its Direction

The purpose of this moon – to help us gain clarity on the direction of our lives. Perhaps to challenge us where we have kept ourselves small, or where we have allowed distractions to lead us off our path.
Suggesting difficulty sleeping and the intensity of our dreams may not quite be over!
A new cycle is starting in your life shifting your awareness, beliefs and perceptions in some way…
Interested to learn more, you can read the whole article published on medium.com here.

Not sure the actions to take, I invite you to a discovery call to free you to create a totally different direction of your life. I have a few openings left in the next two weeks, so Take Action NOW to explore possibilities.

Everything you once thought valuable or important to you or the direction you want to go in, is changing.

So please trust your inner knowing and the path that is unfolding its mystery inside you.
Trust your truth.
In the article I have included a link to a short video by the successful entrepreneur Daniel Priestley. In it he overviews the impact of the Transformative 2020s on all jobs and professions.
You can learn more about this and other opportunities in the article published on medium.com here.
The last few days of February assist all requiring extra effort to initiate projects or tasks that require taking a transformational stand. Stepping away from the belief they are “too hard/overwhelming” to do so.

To Create Harmony in Your Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Shaman, Coach and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.