Is There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life? ?


Your Heart Chakra Sending You A Message?

Have you made your choice how to keep thriving and expanding in the midst of current affairs?

Have they made you feel separated?

Or, perhaps you have felt a change in the harmony of your relationships?

Your heart is where you will feel the choices you made.

The main meanings associated with the heart involve connecting and relating. Both with yourself and others.

When the heart is open, you may feel being deeply connected, expanding and thriving with an appreciation of the beauty life offers.

However, when a blockage exists, you may experience difficulties in relating with others, such as excessive jealousy, co-dependency, or being closed down, withdrawn.

It is hurt that causes your heart chakra to close.

Love experienced through the heart chakra is not just about romance. Rather it is about going beyond the limitations of the ego and its personal preoccupations. To open more fully to compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is without making judgements.

Which in turn influences your ability to thrive and expand.

More is in my post โ€œIs There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” It also provides access to Secret #4 – โ€œWhat Do I Feel In My Heart?โ€

Opening Your Heart Chakra

Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dullโ€ฆ even ill.

I certainly had placed many such ‘layers’ of protection around my heart.

A person with an open heart chakra respects others as well as having an easy going peace that emanates outward, no matter the external circumstances.

Included in the post โ€œIs There A Consistent Heartache In Your Life?” are three techniques designed to inspire you to open your heart.

To Loving Yourself


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.

Follow me on: LinkedIn, Medium, Pinterest and Twitter.

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