Connection + Co-operation = Creating Your Life

The full moon in Libra is pushing us all to do a “Living Life Review.”
This is what happens when our life takes a sudden turn and our schedules are completely disrupted.

We truly are in unprecedented period of change.

However, …

…in order to effect massive change

…we are being invited to go deep into the query of what is truly important in our lives, taking stock of what we have and learning to be grateful for every item, no matter its size.

At this moment the key to all of this chaos coming to an end and us moving forward to create our “new normal” is we are in alignment with ourselves.

Are you truly doing what makes your heart sing and making a major contribution to others in some way?

Was what you were doing in total alignment with who you truly are?

Is there a new, more fun, more aligned career or business for you?

In addition to further understanding, in this article “Connection + Co-operation = Creating Your Life “published on, I have included an additional daily practice to help create alignment with your vision.

This is the moment to look inside for the answers.

The energies of the Cosmos have pulled us all off line to do just that.

The schedules, routines and distractions are now gone.

In “Connection + Co-operation = Creating Your Life ” I have also provided eight pointers to assist you accelerate your business during this period requiring connection and co-operation.

Doing so will help you create the security of being in control of your own life, not passing control to others.

Want someone who is on your side helping you realise the opportunity which exists.

Whether this is through mentoring, connection, co-operation, coaching and/or information.

So, until 30th April, I am offering all entrepreneurs, or would be ones, an opportunity to work with me for free. The purpose of our 20-minute Skype or Zoom exploration session is to help you accomplish your dreams and desires. Email me at to arrange a meeting.

Ahead of our meeting consider “what do I really want for 2020 and beyond?” “What do we all really want next?”

There is a further Message From Source in the edition “Connection + Co-operation = Creating Your Life ” on what is unfolding.

To Co-operation In Accelerating Your Life


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony; co-author of the #1 international best selling Transforming Your Life II, Creator, Shaman and Speaker.



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